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Sunday, August 16, 2015

You Know You're Married to a Teacher When....

Tomorrow I'm headed into my classroom for the first time since school ended (*cries*  Is summer really over?!?!) so I spent some of the evening gathering up the things I want to take in with me. One of the things that I do each summer is bring home my crayon cup caddies that I use, give em' a good wash and refill them all with glorious new crayons. Behold the beauty!

I purchased these crayon cups or as they are formally called "Classroom Carry-Alls" from Lakeshore 3 years ago and they are still holding up wonderfully. They are definitely in the running for my favorite all-time school supply purchase. I love how organized they make the crayons for my kinders and how easily portable they are. Having the cups filled with many crayons in each shade also helps to cut down on the "He/She's NOT SHARING!!!!" cries that we teachers are all too familiar with! ;) 
I love these crayon cups or excuse me "classroom carry-alls" so much that I even went and found em' for you all on their website in case you are interested too! Click the link below to head to Lakeshore's website and check em' out for yourself. Also, I am in no way being paid to endorse this product I just genuinely love it. :) 

But before you go off to check out those wonderful crayon cups, I must give credit when credit is due. My awesome husband is the one responsible for sorting most of the crayons into their appropriate color-matching cups. I told him "You know you're married to a teacher when you spend your Sunday nights sprawled out on the living room floor sorting crayons!" Haha! I sure am thankful for him. 

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