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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Today I just finished up my "Welcome to Kindergarten!" post-cards and can I just say that I love them so much! With the first day of school rapidly approaching, I thought it would be a good idea to send out these welcoming post-cards to all of my new little kinders-to-be. This is my first year trying this out and I think it will be a great way to help both the kids and parents feel more comfortable about the start of school. My school also has an "Open House" approaching and I used this as an opportunity to remind them of that event as well. I wish I could be there to see their faces when they get the post-card because let's be honest, who doesn't LOVE getting something special in the mail?? I used to lose my mind every time my Highlights magazine came in the mail as a kid and if there were stickers with that issue, well that would just send me overboard with excitement. Hopefully these post-cards bring a little of that excitement to my students and families too! :)

If you like these post-cards, they are available for FREE at my TpT store. Just follow the link to grab a copy for yourself! 

I printed them on card-stock and the best part is that they are already formatted for you and ready to be printed front to back. Easy Peasy!

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