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Sunday, August 16, 2015

You Know You're Married to a Teacher When....

Tomorrow I'm headed into my classroom for the first time since school ended (*cries*  Is summer really over?!?!) so I spent some of the evening gathering up the things I want to take in with me. One of the things that I do each summer is bring home my crayon cup caddies that I use, give em' a good wash and refill them all with glorious new crayons. Behold the beauty!

I purchased these crayon cups or as they are formally called "Classroom Carry-Alls" from Lakeshore 3 years ago and they are still holding up wonderfully. They are definitely in the running for my favorite all-time school supply purchase. I love how organized they make the crayons for my kinders and how easily portable they are. Having the cups filled with many crayons in each shade also helps to cut down on the "He/She's NOT SHARING!!!!" cries that we teachers are all too familiar with! ;) 
I love these crayon cups or excuse me "classroom carry-alls" so much that I even went and found em' for you all on their website in case you are interested too! Click the link below to head to Lakeshore's website and check em' out for yourself. Also, I am in no way being paid to endorse this product I just genuinely love it. :) 

But before you go off to check out those wonderful crayon cups, I must give credit when credit is due. My awesome husband is the one responsible for sorting most of the crayons into their appropriate color-matching cups. I told him "You know you're married to a teacher when you spend your Sunday nights sprawled out on the living room floor sorting crayons!" Haha! I sure am thankful for him. 

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Today I just finished up my "Welcome to Kindergarten!" post-cards and can I just say that I love them so much! With the first day of school rapidly approaching, I thought it would be a good idea to send out these welcoming post-cards to all of my new little kinders-to-be. This is my first year trying this out and I think it will be a great way to help both the kids and parents feel more comfortable about the start of school. My school also has an "Open House" approaching and I used this as an opportunity to remind them of that event as well. I wish I could be there to see their faces when they get the post-card because let's be honest, who doesn't LOVE getting something special in the mail?? I used to lose my mind every time my Highlights magazine came in the mail as a kid and if there were stickers with that issue, well that would just send me overboard with excitement. Hopefully these post-cards bring a little of that excitement to my students and families too! :)

If you like these post-cards, they are available for FREE at my TpT store. Just follow the link to grab a copy for yourself! 

I printed them on card-stock and the best part is that they are already formatted for you and ready to be printed front to back. Easy Peasy!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

First post! First post! First post!

Hello there world! Today I finally took the time to write my first blog post. I'm so excited to be starting a teaching blog after being a follower of so many teaching blogs myself. Over the years I've gained so many ideas from the many excellent teacher bloggers out there and I'm hoping that I can finally share some good ideas of my own. A little information about myself is that I'm entering my 5th year of teaching and will be teaching Kindergarten after teaching 2nd grade last year. I can't wait to get back to Kindergarten and start the 2015-2016 school year. My first day back with the kiddos is August 31st. When is your first day back? Post below in the comments to share. :)